What are the main benefits of Spectrasol for individuals and organisations?

Spectrasol lighting, with its balanced spectrum from 450─670 nm, through its sun-like effect, or through the stimulation of natural energy, improves the cognitive performance of the individual in a positive way, improves their productivity and reduces errors at work, thus reducing the costs of the organisation. The effect of light on subjective satisfaction, vitality and emotional mood promotes good workplace relationships and reduces perceived stress. Moreover, according to current research, wavelengths in the deep red range around 670 nm not only have photobiomodulatory effects on the retina of the eye, but also act as a compensatory factor against the effects of harmful blue light and the effects of ageing.

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Týden.cz: Nová Waltrovka má unikátní osvětlení

Týden.cz: Nová Waltrovka má unikátní osvětlení

„Prvotřídní osvětlení je základem pro spokojenost a vitalitu na pracovištích, a tím i dobré pracovní výsledky zaměstnanců. Proto jsme se domluvili na spolupráci se společností Spectrasol, která nabízí to nejlepší z LED technologií pro použití v interiérech," říká v...

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