Spectrasol has a balanced light energy intensity in the red photobiomodulation region, including 670 nm, which according to current research acts as a compensatory factor against the risks of harmful blue light with preventive and therapeutic effects. This unique feature is protected by our second patent. Photobiomodulation is currently a highly explored process, according to studies carried out on animal models (e.g., C. Sivapathasuntharam et al., 2019; J. Nie et al., 2022) and on cells (e.g., C. Núñez-Álvarez et al., 2019; J. Kim et al., 2022), it promotes the function of the cell’s energy factories, the mitochondria. Simply put, if mitochondrial function is severely limited, the cell can trigger programmed cell death (apoptosis). The retina of the eye has the highest density of mitochondria in the human body, and therefore their function is absolutely crucial for the functioning of the image forming and non-image forming system. Studies (e.g. Y.-Z. Lu et al., 2018; C. Sivapathasuntharam et al., 2019) have shown that light with a wavelength of 670 nm significantly reduces the rate of photoreceptor loss, thereby protecting visual function not only against blue light but also against the effects of ageing.
Read more here: https://www.spectrasol.eu/blue-light-hazard/ and https://www.spectrasol.eu/regenerative-energy/
BVV: Osvětlení Spectrasol má velmi pozitivní vliv na vitalitu, náladu a zdraví
V učebně ARCHIMEDES, která byla na brněnském výstavišti slavnostně otevřena jako součást projektu BVV Living Lab , bylo nainstalováno prokognitivní LED osvětlení Spectrasol, které má velmi pozitivní vliv na lidský organismus, a to hned v několika ohledech....